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Showing category "MENU SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING" (Show all posts)

menu May 28- June 3

Posted by Holly Nelson on Saturday, May 26, 2012, In : MENU SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING 
Circumstances have come up and I had to change our menu. I thought It would be a great way to show you how we make "Something out of Nothing". The Lord always provides! 
I have seen posts from bloggers that make meals from the freezer or pantry. But honestly,right now we have no meat or meals frozen, and hardly any pantry staples. Most would say(like our kids) we have nothing. But, I'm going to be creative, which isn't my forte, and make some meals with what we have. So, this is some serious m...
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Showing category "MENU SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING" (Show all posts)

menu May 28- June 3

Posted by Holly Nelson on Saturday, May 26, 2012, In : MENU SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING 
Circumstances have come up and I had to change our menu. I thought It would be a great way to show you how we make "Something out of Nothing". The Lord always provides! 
I have seen posts from bloggers that make meals from the freezer or pantry. But honestly,right now we have no meat or meals frozen, and hardly any pantry staples. Most would say(like our kids) we have nothing. But, I'm going to be creative, which isn't my forte, and make some meals with what we have. So, this is some serious m...
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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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