Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Pray for Others

Posted by Holly Nelson on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Under: Tip of the Week
"When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes."
 Job 42:10

 Have you ever really thought about that verse? I have prayed as I have read through Job many times. I've read it many times because of many illnesses and struggles. But, have you really thought about that verse? It says he prayed for his friends. It doesn't say the Lord healed him because of his great faith, which he displayed very well. He wasn't healed because he prayed for himself. He was healed after an unselfish act.

 When you are going through great pain and suffering, do you stop and pray for your friends? Many times it's too hard for us to see past our hurts. Jesus displayed the greatest unselfish act of all. He died on the cross for our sins, so that we may be saved and go to heaven.

 Everything I teach the boys is to be selfless. To do everything for others. Even this morning in my prayer time, I prayed that they would have a servants heart. We teach them J.O.Y- Jesus, Others, then Yourself. Through my past and current illnesses (and struggles) I never turned away from God. I kept my faith. I knew God was working something great and bigger in my life. I have never been the "Woe is Me!" type of person. (I'm a Choleric/Sanguine, if you can tell) I kept my faith like Job, continued with my prayer time every morning, continued with bible time with the kids, and continued to make it to church, no matter how bad I felt. People have asked me how I wasn't not so worried(in my serious times of struggle and illness). I always said that my faith was strong, I trusted the Lord, and I prayed every morning. But, maybe it wasn't that I just prayed. Maybe it was because I continued to pray for others as well.  

 I can do nothing apart from Christ. I am not who I am today without Him. The Holy Spirit has worked in my life. It is not me that has been strong. It's the Holy Spirit's works. Everything I am is because of Christ and not that in myself.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. He can rise superior to every condition through the strength that Christ gives."
Philippians 4:13

 When you are feeling down or pain is taking over your body, stop and pray for those who are praying for you! Pray for those who are hurting. Pray for everyone you know that needs a prayer today. God will bless you for it!

In : Tip of the Week 

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Pray for Others

Posted by Holly Nelson on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Under: Tip of the Week
"When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes."
 Job 42:10

 Have you ever really thought about that verse? I have prayed as I have read through Job many times. I've read it many times because of many illnesses and struggles. But, have you really thought about that verse? It says he prayed for his friends. It doesn't say the Lord healed him because of his great faith, which he displayed very well. He wasn't healed because he prayed for himself. He was healed after an unselfish act.

 When you are going through great pain and suffering, do you stop and pray for your friends? Many times it's too hard for us to see past our hurts. Jesus displayed the greatest unselfish act of all. He died on the cross for our sins, so that we may be saved and go to heaven.

 Everything I teach the boys is to be selfless. To do everything for others. Even this morning in my prayer time, I prayed that they would have a servants heart. We teach them J.O.Y- Jesus, Others, then Yourself. Through my past and current illnesses (and struggles) I never turned away from God. I kept my faith. I knew God was working something great and bigger in my life. I have never been the "Woe is Me!" type of person. (I'm a Choleric/Sanguine, if you can tell) I kept my faith like Job, continued with my prayer time every morning, continued with bible time with the kids, and continued to make it to church, no matter how bad I felt. People have asked me how I wasn't not so worried(in my serious times of struggle and illness). I always said that my faith was strong, I trusted the Lord, and I prayed every morning. But, maybe it wasn't that I just prayed. Maybe it was because I continued to pray for others as well.  

 I can do nothing apart from Christ. I am not who I am today without Him. The Holy Spirit has worked in my life. It is not me that has been strong. It's the Holy Spirit's works. Everything I am is because of Christ and not that in myself.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. He can rise superior to every condition through the strength that Christ gives."
Philippians 4:13

 When you are feeling down or pain is taking over your body, stop and pray for those who are praying for you! Pray for those who are hurting. Pray for everyone you know that needs a prayer today. God will bless you for it!

In : Tip of the Week 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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