Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff

Saving Money on Groceries

Posted by Holly Nelson on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Under: Tip of the Week
If you have a large family like me, you could easily spend hundreds of dollars on car insurance. But we aren't talking about that today. Today I'm talking about the hundreds of dollars you could spend on groceries a week! I have all boys and that means HUGE appetites. I could go on and on about ways to save. I will try to break it down and not ramble on. 

I know most people hate to take the time to clip coupons. I was once that way,too! Until I didn't have food in the house and the boys started attacking me! Here are ways to make it easier:
1. Use to do the clipping for you. For only pennies, Christian ladies will clip the coupons and send them to you! When the store ad comes out or when you see it online, go to their site, select the coupons you want, and they will send them to you within days!
2. Get a binder,clear trading card inserts, and tab dividers. Organize inserts and dividers into grocery categories. Once you get the coupons in the mail or the Sunday paper, clip and organize in each section. This takes little time and eliminates wasted time searching back and forth through the coupon flyers. 
*Cut EVERY coupon! You may think you won't ever use or need a product. You may be able to buy this product for FREE! And if you still don't want it, you could donate it to a food bank.
3. Use . You choose the coupons you want and they send them to your shoppers card, like Kroger. As simple as that!
4. Use your stores online site to add coupons to your card. Kroger's site has a coupon section you can choose what you want to go to your card.
5. Go through every store ad. Write down products that you want or that you just simply want a coupon for. Google search, for example, "Nestle coupons". And it will take you to a link for a coupon!
6. Go to websites like , ,,,, . There are many, many more! Google "print coupons". 

Plan, Plan, Plan!!
1. Make a list of meals for the next week using only what you have in your pantry. You may be surprised at how many meals you can find to make!  If you do it this way then when you go shopping , you only have to worry about buying sale items and good deals.
2. Only buy what you need for the next week. Just because you are out of something doesn't mean you have to buy it that week!  Write it down on a running list to know that you are out of that item and buy when it is needed for a recipe.
3. Plan a large meal and use the leftovers to make one or two other meals. I have examples on my Routines and Planning page, under meal planning made easy. 
4. Scroll down under that section to see even more ways to cut grocery costs. **Make homemade, whenever possible!! This saves more money than you would think!

If money is very tight then please consider organizations like Angel Food Ministries or your local food bank. 

 Freezer cooking:

1.Plan and prepare two meals every once and awhile. Freeze one for later. Or you can plan ahead and have a Big Baking day like I am doing soon. I am slowly adding a few items to my grocery list to prepare for that day. See my Plan in earlier blog posts.
2. Go to a local farm and buy a "cow" or "half a cow". I know that seems weird. But I got this idea because my parents raise beef cattle and we are able to get most of our meat from them. I have found that there are farms all over the US that will let you buy their meat. Google will be your best friend!
3. Go to a butcher to buy meat in bulk. We have a town nearby that will sell a meat package for a $100.00 and it will last for a long time, I promise!! Well, unless your teenage son has friends over and decides to grill 20 steaks! (And yes, they would eat them all!) 

In : Tip of the Week 

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Saving Money on Groceries

Posted by Holly Nelson on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Under: Tip of the Week
If you have a large family like me, you could easily spend hundreds of dollars on car insurance. But we aren't talking about that today. Today I'm talking about the hundreds of dollars you could spend on groceries a week! I have all boys and that means HUGE appetites. I could go on and on about ways to save. I will try to break it down and not ramble on. 

I know most people hate to take the time to clip coupons. I was once that way,too! Until I didn't have food in the house and the boys started attacking me! Here are ways to make it easier:
1. Use to do the clipping for you. For only pennies, Christian ladies will clip the coupons and send them to you! When the store ad comes out or when you see it online, go to their site, select the coupons you want, and they will send them to you within days!
2. Get a binder,clear trading card inserts, and tab dividers. Organize inserts and dividers into grocery categories. Once you get the coupons in the mail or the Sunday paper, clip and organize in each section. This takes little time and eliminates wasted time searching back and forth through the coupon flyers. 
*Cut EVERY coupon! You may think you won't ever use or need a product. You may be able to buy this product for FREE! And if you still don't want it, you could donate it to a food bank.
3. Use . You choose the coupons you want and they send them to your shoppers card, like Kroger. As simple as that!
4. Use your stores online site to add coupons to your card. Kroger's site has a coupon section you can choose what you want to go to your card.
5. Go through every store ad. Write down products that you want or that you just simply want a coupon for. Google search, for example, "Nestle coupons". And it will take you to a link for a coupon!
6. Go to websites like , ,,,, . There are many, many more! Google "print coupons". 

Plan, Plan, Plan!!
1. Make a list of meals for the next week using only what you have in your pantry. You may be surprised at how many meals you can find to make!  If you do it this way then when you go shopping , you only have to worry about buying sale items and good deals.
2. Only buy what you need for the next week. Just because you are out of something doesn't mean you have to buy it that week!  Write it down on a running list to know that you are out of that item and buy when it is needed for a recipe.
3. Plan a large meal and use the leftovers to make one or two other meals. I have examples on my Routines and Planning page, under meal planning made easy. 
4. Scroll down under that section to see even more ways to cut grocery costs. **Make homemade, whenever possible!! This saves more money than you would think!

If money is very tight then please consider organizations like Angel Food Ministries or your local food bank. 

 Freezer cooking:

1.Plan and prepare two meals every once and awhile. Freeze one for later. Or you can plan ahead and have a Big Baking day like I am doing soon. I am slowly adding a few items to my grocery list to prepare for that day. See my Plan in earlier blog posts.
2. Go to a local farm and buy a "cow" or "half a cow". I know that seems weird. But I got this idea because my parents raise beef cattle and we are able to get most of our meat from them. I have found that there are farms all over the US that will let you buy their meat. Google will be your best friend!
3. Go to a butcher to buy meat in bulk. We have a town nearby that will sell a meat package for a $100.00 and it will last for a long time, I promise!! Well, unless your teenage son has friends over and decides to grill 20 steaks! (And yes, they would eat them all!) 

In : Tip of the Week 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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