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Thank Heaven for Little BOYS! Jack's Birth Story!

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, April 30, 2010 Under: It's a Boy's Life!

 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you…” – Jeremiah 1:5 

Baby Jack's delivery did not go as expected. I will share  little bit of the story with you and you will see:

I was having contractions all Monday night. So bad that I couldn't even sleep. I was waiting, but my water didn't break. Jeff and I went to the hospital and arrived to be "induced" around 7:30 am, Tuesday. Around 10:00 I received my epidural and pitocin. The epidural wasn't working so they gave me one more dose and tried laying me on my side. My poor nurse was so busy, but when she came in around 10:50 to check to see if I had dilated, she accidently broke my water. And when she did, the umbilical cord came out first. This is called Cord Prolapse and is not good at all. She held the baby up, called everyone to the OR for the emergency c-section. Dr. Cole came rushing from her office, later saying she thought she was going to get a ticket!( Her office is 5 minutes down the street). 

 They are running me down the hall with my husband running right behind me. Then they turn to him and say "You can't go in!". As I was pushed through the doors of the operating room, it was like a madhouse in there. My doctor wasn't there yet, so another was taking over, and seemed frantic. I thought doctors were supposed to be calm, so I figured this was pretty serious! My anesthesiologist kept pinching me asking if I could feel anything and all I remember is saying, "YES!". By this time she had given me 4 doses of epidural and it still wasn't working. The doctor had to cut me open ~NOW~. All I remember was saying "OW, OW, OW", then I passed out. When I woke up, I remember my doctor talking and stitching me up. She had made it there just in time to deliver baby Jack. I told her, still groggy from the medicine, "Are you making it a sexy scar?". She just laughed and said she'd try.  Then I asked, "hey, Could you please take some fat out while you are in there!?". Then everyone in there started laughing. Not that I will ever wear a bikini, but I guess it is just the thought! At this point , I am still groggy and can't even see. Maybe they gave me some laughing gas,too. 

But, where was baby Jack. I asked to see him, but Dr. Cole said he was in the NICU. My eyes opened then! What? Why? Apparently he wasn't breathing when he was born and had to be rushed to the NICU. Later we found out he was fine and taken off of the oxygen.

Immediately I started having sharp, intense pain in my shoulder. Dr. Cole asked me about the pain and said it was trapped gas that would break up and go away. They let me go back to recovery, still with no husband. I was there for quite a while with the pain in my shoulder. They gave me something but it still didn't seem to work! What is up with this pain medication not working!? I never even take tylenol if I don't have to! Jeff finally found me and they sent me to a larger recovery room. 

I was starting to have separation anxiety because I never got to see baby Jack. Jeff said he saw him for a few seconds as they ran him passed him to the NICU. 

A little while later my friend and prayer partner, Carrie, came to see me. I felt awful that she saw me looking like I was. At this point, I was on a few different narcotics, 4 doses of epidural trying to wear off, and the pain in my shoulder getting worse by the minute. She stayed with me and went to the NICU to see baby Jack. After she left I started itching really bad from the epidural and the pain became severe. I tried to get up to walk around but I just threw up. For the rest of the day they tried to regulate the pain, but all I did was throw up. My last nurse gave me a Sprite to get rid of the trapped gas, and I think that worked best of all! Although I thought someone was sawing my arm off with a hand saw (thats how much it hurt!), the next morning I felt much better! My c-section never even hurt me at this point! 

The next morning I was up at 6 am, sponge bathed and dressed with make-up! I was ready to see my baby. The baby had heart problems when I was pregnant with him, so they wanted to keep him in the NICU until my Pediatric Cardiologist could see him. We went to the NICU a few times that day. It was hard to not be able to hold him and kiss on him! But he was released that afternoon to us and roomed with us in our room!  The Lord had healed 2 things that were wrong with his little heart!! 
 GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!! Although the delivery was not what I had expected and even thought of, God showed his mercy and blessing through it all. He saved baby Jack, and healed Jack and me!  

The NICU nurse snuck him to my room because she hated the fact that I had not held him yet!

In the NICU~ he held on to my finger and wouldn't let go! Broke my heart! I had to leave because the medicine was making me fall sleep.

Jack was able to come to our room! My bible fellowship teacher, John, took this picture.

The boys seeing him for the first time! We couldn't get a good picture. Luke had woken up from a late nap and was not happy!

Waiting to go home on Thursday!

Sweet Baby Jack!

“From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another” -  John 1:16 

In : It's a Boy's Life! 

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Thank Heaven for Little BOYS! Jack's Birth Story!

Posted by Holly Nelson on Friday, April 30, 2010 Under: It's a Boy's Life!

 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you…” – Jeremiah 1:5 

Baby Jack's delivery did not go as expected. I will share  little bit of the story with you and you will see:

I was having contractions all Monday night. So bad that I couldn't even sleep. I was waiting, but my water didn't break. Jeff and I went to the hospital and arrived to be "induced" around 7:30 am, Tuesday. Around 10:00 I received my epidural and pitocin. The epidural wasn't working so they gave me one more dose and tried laying me on my side. My poor nurse was so busy, but when she came in around 10:50 to check to see if I had dilated, she accidently broke my water. And when she did, the umbilical cord came out first. This is called Cord Prolapse and is not good at all. She held the baby up, called everyone to the OR for the emergency c-section. Dr. Cole came rushing from her office, later saying she thought she was going to get a ticket!( Her office is 5 minutes down the street). 

 They are running me down the hall with my husband running right behind me. Then they turn to him and say "You can't go in!". As I was pushed through the doors of the operating room, it was like a madhouse in there. My doctor wasn't there yet, so another was taking over, and seemed frantic. I thought doctors were supposed to be calm, so I figured this was pretty serious! My anesthesiologist kept pinching me asking if I could feel anything and all I remember is saying, "YES!". By this time she had given me 4 doses of epidural and it still wasn't working. The doctor had to cut me open ~NOW~. All I remember was saying "OW, OW, OW", then I passed out. When I woke up, I remember my doctor talking and stitching me up. She had made it there just in time to deliver baby Jack. I told her, still groggy from the medicine, "Are you making it a sexy scar?". She just laughed and said she'd try.  Then I asked, "hey, Could you please take some fat out while you are in there!?". Then everyone in there started laughing. Not that I will ever wear a bikini, but I guess it is just the thought! At this point , I am still groggy and can't even see. Maybe they gave me some laughing gas,too. 

But, where was baby Jack. I asked to see him, but Dr. Cole said he was in the NICU. My eyes opened then! What? Why? Apparently he wasn't breathing when he was born and had to be rushed to the NICU. Later we found out he was fine and taken off of the oxygen.

Immediately I started having sharp, intense pain in my shoulder. Dr. Cole asked me about the pain and said it was trapped gas that would break up and go away. They let me go back to recovery, still with no husband. I was there for quite a while with the pain in my shoulder. They gave me something but it still didn't seem to work! What is up with this pain medication not working!? I never even take tylenol if I don't have to! Jeff finally found me and they sent me to a larger recovery room. 

I was starting to have separation anxiety because I never got to see baby Jack. Jeff said he saw him for a few seconds as they ran him passed him to the NICU. 

A little while later my friend and prayer partner, Carrie, came to see me. I felt awful that she saw me looking like I was. At this point, I was on a few different narcotics, 4 doses of epidural trying to wear off, and the pain in my shoulder getting worse by the minute. She stayed with me and went to the NICU to see baby Jack. After she left I started itching really bad from the epidural and the pain became severe. I tried to get up to walk around but I just threw up. For the rest of the day they tried to regulate the pain, but all I did was throw up. My last nurse gave me a Sprite to get rid of the trapped gas, and I think that worked best of all! Although I thought someone was sawing my arm off with a hand saw (thats how much it hurt!), the next morning I felt much better! My c-section never even hurt me at this point! 

The next morning I was up at 6 am, sponge bathed and dressed with make-up! I was ready to see my baby. The baby had heart problems when I was pregnant with him, so they wanted to keep him in the NICU until my Pediatric Cardiologist could see him. We went to the NICU a few times that day. It was hard to not be able to hold him and kiss on him! But he was released that afternoon to us and roomed with us in our room!  The Lord had healed 2 things that were wrong with his little heart!! 
 GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!! Although the delivery was not what I had expected and even thought of, God showed his mercy and blessing through it all. He saved baby Jack, and healed Jack and me!  

The NICU nurse snuck him to my room because she hated the fact that I had not held him yet!

In the NICU~ he held on to my finger and wouldn't let go! Broke my heart! I had to leave because the medicine was making me fall sleep.

Jack was able to come to our room! My bible fellowship teacher, John, took this picture.

The boys seeing him for the first time! We couldn't get a good picture. Luke had woken up from a late nap and was not happy!

Waiting to go home on Thursday!

Sweet Baby Jack!

“From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another” -  John 1:16 

In : It's a Boy's Life! 

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About Me

Holly Nelson Mom to 6 Sons // Saved by Grace // Lover of Chocolate, Laughter, Love, Nature, Camping, Simplicity,and Family
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