Readers Tips

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Two tips:


A friend of mine uses a “Jail Box” system for cleaning up in the evening.  Her children are supposed to help straighten up the house and their rooms before they go to bed.  If she finds any toys or clothing left out after the kids have gone to bed at night, those items go in the “Jail Box.”  The children are required to pay to get clothing out the next day (I think she charges a nickel per item).  Toys are optional (higher rate for toys, maybe a dime?).  However, if the toy stays in the “Jail Box” for more than a week, it is donated to charity.  She says it has cut-down on her having to pick up after the kids in the evening.


We have always used an expandable notebook in the car for each child to keep notebooks, coloring books, reading books and pencils in.  I know a lot of people use tubs or plastic containers, but those were too bulky for us.  I found a Mead brand notebook that has about 5 expandable pockets and a mesh pencil holder.  I suppose you could use an expandable file folder as well.  I also bought a separate zippered pencil holder, the flat kind can be placed in a three-ring binder, because the crayons needed a larger bag.  FYI: we use the new twisty-style crayons and mechanical pencils in the car.  This cuts down on breakage and the need for sharpening.  Anyway, each child can keep coloring books, journals, magazines and reading books in the expandable notebook.  The notebook can fit easily under a seat or in a seat pocket.


Thanks for sharing your tips for an organized life on your website!


- Christy Halliday