Tot Schooling

I am a homeschooler by heart. No, I do no homeschool my boys. I have always wanted to. That door just has never been opened for me. But, My heart is to educate my kids. My oldest two went to a private school, so i know what they are capable of acheiving. I just lovwe the whole process of learning, teaching, and the wonder in the little ones eyes. I found this website that is Fantastic.


I have been printing out her info and letting the kidergartner and 1st grader do some of these pages.

Jake, Angry Birds, & more

I LOVE the Tot School ideas that she does by age, too! I started working at my husbands auto body repair shop, helping out in the office. But, I am not a normal Administrative Assistant. I assist my hubby with Jack tagging along. We joke that he our Shop Foreman/Mascot. He needs a T-shirt! he is a busy little guy that needs busy little things to do. I started Tot schooling! Kind of like preschool, but with more freedom of play. I like the Montessori style of teaching.

I will be doing blog posts each week to show Jacks Tot Schooling Fun! Check it out!