Organize Your Life, Not Your Stuff


I started this tradition about 10 years ago. With all the busyness Christmas can bring I wanted my kids to appreciate the REAL reason we celebrate Christmas. It is easy to get caught up in the decorating and shopping, but that's not what it is about. So, every day in the month of December until the 26th we do a little activity to keep the Christmas spirit up.

December 2009
1- Make salt dough ornaments

2- Start Christmas puzzle
3- Start Jesus Tree 
4- Make Jesus' birthday present box for under the tree with Matthew 25:40 
5- Take Christmas books and coloring books and crayons to the St. Jude children./Start Christmas cards
6-  Make salt-dough and cinnamon applesauce ornaments. Use cookie cutter that represent Jesus Tree 
7- Make bible verse chain. A word on each paper link of the chain. John 4:10, Matthew 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:15, Matthew 2:1,  Colossians 1:3. *You could also do this as a countdown chain
8- Mark Luke 2 in Bible, lay open by nativity scene 
9- Treasure hunt to nativity scene
10. Paint ornaments. When dry tie bible verse on ornaments.
11- (Seth's b'day) Seth's laser tag and party
12- Starry Nights at Shelby Farms
13- Singing Christmas Tree at Bellevue Baptist Church, Tn
14- Make Candies  & Desserts
15- Make snowflakes
16- Make breads
17- Make cookies
18- Parties at school/Watch Christmas movies/ Home movies and favorites. Drink hot cocoa and eat popcorn
19- Make gingerbread houses
20- Drive around looking at Christmas lights, drink hot cocoa and eat cookies
21- Christmas craft
22- Christmas Games- word search, etc...
23- Take ornaments and candies to neighbors and friends
24- Make Jesus' birthday cake and Christmas food
25- Open "Happy Birthday Jesus" box, and read before opening presents
26- Write and mail thank you cards- before all the presents are opened and played with!
More ideas:
1. make homemade card from the kids fro relatives and close friends.
2. Make/decorate a "missions can". Drop change in it all year and donate to your favorite charity or mission at Christmas.
3. Make a video of your kids reading the story of Jesus' birth, or acting it out. Give to relatives as a present.
4. Visit a living manger
5. Go to Christmas shows at local churches and performing arts centers.
6. Shop and send shoeboxes filled with goodies to the shoebox ministry, Samaritan's Purse
7. Send Christmas cards to the elderly at a nursing home. Call to get names of those who never or hardly receive mail.
8. Adopt an elderly person every Christmas. Write them, visit them, and give presents.
9. Adopt a needy family at Christmas. Get the kids involved with buying presents for their kids, making Christmas dinner for them ,and buying groceries.
   * If you buy groceries for someone, include a meal list and recipes for what you bought them.
10. Be a secret Santa for a needy child or family. Do the same as above in #9.
11. Write a letter to Santa.
12. Visit santa at the mall and have your child ask Santa what HE wants for Christmas! 
13. Decorate bedroom door like a giant package
14. Fill basket with old Christmas photos of the family. Keep by the fireplace or on the coffee table. Do the same for old photo Christmas Cards.
15. Make Christmas aprons.
16. Serve dinner on Christmas or Christmas eve at a homeless shelter.
17. Go to post office to pick up a child's letter to Santa. Send the child a gift.
18. Donate warm clothing to a battered women's shelter.
19. Decorate your backyard tree for the animals. Peanut butter pine cones with birdseed, popcorn garland,etc...
20. Throw reindeer food on the roof on Christmas eve. Dry oatmeal and glitter.
21. Take a cup of coffee to the school crossing guard.
22. Decorate the grave of someone you don't know with a Christmas wreath.
23. Bake cookies for your local firemen and police departments.
24. Send cards to Military service men and woman across the seas.
25. Drop off a bag of food at the animal shelter.
26. Say "Merry Christmas" to at least 5 strangers while you are out shopping.
27. Mail a gift card to a stay-at-home-mom for a manicure or pedicure.
28. Anonymously leave a bag of goodies hanging on a neighbor or friends door with a note that says "You've Been Claused". Encourage them to do the same.
29. Make an advent calendar .THIS is one of my favorite ideas. It's inexpensive, yet super cute!